Remove the obstacles to highly reliable and efficient analysis of samples ranging from a few microliters up to 2 mL. Open top closures accommodate a wide
Sep 23, 2019 This unique technology currently available in 9mm screw cap for 2ml screw thread vial. These septa bonded on cap provides an excellent ...
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The 9 mm wide mouth screw thread vials are our most popular and recommended screw thread 2 mL vials for autosampler compatibility. Browse our options today.
MSCERT5000-S40W · Convenience Kit, 9mm Wide OpeningScrew Vial, 2mL, Silanized · Price: 99.75. Your Price: Sign In ; CERT4000-993 · Convenience Kit, Certified 9mm
Borosilicate 3.3 - Caps for 9mm - 2ml Screw Neck Vials, PTFE - Glassco Laboratory Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Buy Online in India at Best Prices.
Price. Wide Mouth Opening. Vial, Crimp, 2 mL Wide Mouth, Clear, No Patch as a crimp or screw thread seal, snap vials are only recommended for short.
Lab 1.5ml 9mm Wide Opening Screw Glassware HPLC Autosampler Vial ; US $8.9. 2-499 ; US $6.5. 500-1,599 ; US $3.6. 1,600+
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