CP Lab Safety: Providing Lab Supplies & Industrial Safety Products since 1996. CP Lab Safety manufactures and distributes laboratory supplies including ECO Funnel®, Benchtop Solid Waste Container, child resistant pharmacy vials, lab bottles, glassware, plasticware, disposable labware, flammable safety storage cabinets, safety cans, Nalgene® labware, carboys, safety coated glass
2012-7-16 · Moco Cosmetic Packaging, specific to the Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Industry, is well established as one of the largest stockist’s in South Africa, with the flexibility to suit customers needs, meeting deadlines and executing orders from large to small. The extensive range of high-quality glass and plastic containers and accessories, is obtained from both local and international sources.
2ml HPLC Vial, Autosampler Vial, Alberts Filter Clear Lab Vial, Sample Vial with Writing Area, 9-425 Screw-Thread Vial, Blue Screw Cap with Hole, Red PTFE & White Silicone Septa 100 Pack 4.8 out of 5
Alberts Filter 2ml Autosampler Vial with Writing Area, 9mm Wide Opening Clear Glass Screw Thread Vial for HPLC, Blue Screw Cap with Hole, Pre-Slit Blue PTFE & White Silicone Septa-100 Pack: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific
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Selling accelerated during the afternoonafter Senator Richard Durbin said Senate negotiations had beensuspended until House Speaker John Boehner can work out a fiscalplan that can proceed in the House of Representatives.
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