9mm 2ml HPLC vials--Lab Vials ManufacturerAijiren 2ml amber HPLC vials with blue caps are constructed from Type 1 borosilicate glass, with low metal content, to protect your sampl
Vials | AijirenResults 1 - 6 of 28 Aijiren certified 2 mL screw top vials are constructed from from Type 1 borosilicate glass, with low metal content, Autosampl +8618057059123
1.5ml 10-425 Screw Autosampler Vials ND10-Aijiren hplc lab vials Material: USP Type 1, Class A, 33 Borosilicate Glass Volume: 2ml (standard volume) 1.5ml(actual volume) Application:
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Basik 10mm screw top vials and inserts are made for HPLC autosamplers using first hydrolytic, TYPE-1, N51A expansion, borosilicate glass. These vials are used These vials are used
33-Expansion clear glass (USP Type 1 borosilicate, HPLC and LC-MS tested and certified 10 mm Screw-Top Vials and Caps with Bonded-In Septa. Manufactured from high-quality glass
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Any requirement about 10mm HPLC Vials And Caps, Aijiren is your best choice. Item: 10mm HPLC Vials And Caps. Vial Material: Borosilicate Glass/Glass Type 1. Vial Thread: Screw.
12x32mm open top HPLC vials labeling space-HPLC Sample Vials 2mL Clear Glass 12x32mm Flat Base. 9-425 Screw Thread Vial with Label. Blue 9-425 Open Top Ribbed Screw Cap with
sample preparation HPLC vials ND9-HPLC Sample Vials 5.Plastic Vials ND9 and Plastic Micro-Vials ND9. 6.Short screw Thread ND9 vial is designed to ensure proper centering of limited
Champagne vials. (volume 1.5 ml or 3.5 ml) clear and amber glass. used for injection of very low volume samples. it is not neccesary to use inserts. crimp (and snap type) and screw (8, 9,10
Free sample septa closure Australia-Aijiren HPLC Vials. Aug 12, 2022 · MASS SPEC Certified Vial Kits. Mass SpecCertified 2.0mL, 12x32mm R.A.M. TM Vial with 9mm R.A.M. TM Royal
Material. Type 1 borosilicate glass,. Application. HPLC/GC. Sample vials with short thread ND9 Vial kit, HPLC-certified, Clear HPLC and GC-certified, tested for blank values and impurities.