China Different Shape 5.0 Borosilicate Glass HPLC Vials & Caps with patch manufacturer
China hplc filter vial supplier–Lab Vials Manufacturer
Materials of construction: pp chamber, PP plunger outer housing, borosilicate glass plunger inner storage vial, silicone septa with PTFE liner, PP cap Vial
2mL Autosampler Vials with Caps,HPLC Vials,9-425 Clear Glass
2mL Autosampler Vials with Caps,HPLC Vials,9-425 Clear Glass Vial with Blue Screw Caps/Writing Patch/Graduation,White PTFE & Red Silicone-100 Pcs:
PYREX® and Corning® Glass and Reusable Plastic Product
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