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Results 1 - 6 of 28 Our screw top vials and screw caps are the perfect fit for HPLC and GC instrument platforms across a wide variety of applications, Hplc Filter Vials - Aijiren Blue 9
sample preparation autosampler sample vials white graduation line Jan 18, 2022 · Short Description, Snap/Crimp Top Vial 11mm, PP, 0.3ml (12x32mm) Fused Insert • Dimensions: 12 x 32mm Screw Top 8mm Amber Type 1 Glass 1.5mL HPLC Autosampler Vials Tisch 8mm screw thread vials have a volume of 1.5mL and make it easier to attach or remove the closure
2022/01/18 · screw thread chromatography glass vials white graduation line-HPLC 13-425 Thread screw neck vial, 45x14.7mm, amber glass, white graduation line and marking spot
Aijiren 9mm vials may be used with robotic autosamplers in place of crimp-style vials. 9mm Vials have a 40% larger opening for easier sample preparation, Aijiren 9mm vials must be used with 9mm screw pp closures to ensure
12x32mm borosil HPLC vials white graduation line-Aijiren . Common use borosil HPLC clear 2ml vial with patch supplier Athena Vials 1.5ML HPLC, Packaging Type: Standard, Rs 400 2mL, Amber Glass, 12*32mm, Flat Base, 9
Patch,Graduation,White PTFE & Red Silicone Septa Fit for GC Sample Vial 12x32mm low metal content HPLC sample vials suppliers. 12x32mm laboratory HPLC vials graduated-HPLC Sample Vials2ml Hplc Vials - IndiaMART2mL
Glass Vials – Screw Vials Wholesale Trader from Gurgaon Price. Case Lot of 10×100. VO02C00900S000. 9mm, 2m1, 12 X 32, Clear Glass Screw Top 9mm, 2m1, 12 X 32, Amber Glass Screw Top Vial With Write On Patch.
line of centrifuge tubes feature flat-top, plug-seal leak resistant screw market@aijirenvial.com 008618057059123 Home Products 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis 6-20mL
J-Sil Clear Glass Screw Vials With Blue Cap Septa Combo 12*32mm, Flat Base, 9-425 Screw Thread Vial with White Write-on Patch and Graduation Lines. Vials, Caps, & Septa -
Chromatography Vials, Caps, & Septa, ND24 – Tisch Scientific Whatman In-Line Filters; Screw Top 24mm White Plastic Closed Top Vial Cap – 100/pk, CV2000 Screw Top 24mm Ambe Screw Top 24mm Ambe...
HPLC Vial Autosampler Vials 2ml with Caps, 9-425 Amber Vial with Color: BrownFeatures: 2ml sample vial are made of high quality 9-425 Amber Vial with Blue Screw Caps,Writing Patc
GC and HPLC autosampler vials with screw neck N 8, N 9, Closed screw cap (storage) and open screw cap (for analysis) in one product. Latest Updates of HPLC sample vials supplier,manufacturer and pkg of 100 ea HPLC glass vials white graduation line Time savings using our full range of short thread screw top vials and caps.